Now Playing: Jay Leno
I interviewed Clay yesterday. It was an odd experience. His publicist had set up the time. A woman called me and said she had Clay on the line. The reception was bad. We lost connection several times. When we were finally on, she informed me we had ten minutes to talk.
I glanced over my 15 plus questions and knew I had to pick and choose. Moving quickly over the niceties, I plunged head first into my first question. I was a bit nervous really just because of the speed factor. What added to it was the fact that Clay was talking 100 miles an hour. I busily tried to jot down his every word.
My tape recorder doesn't work well over the cell phone. It makes awful static and beeping noises when you listen back to it. Note to self: find a better solution.
What added insult to injury was the fact that I appeared to have faulty research when it came to his book. I thought it had just been released. Turns out it was released last year. He seemed a bit brash about that and overall rushed and ready to get the interview overwith. I could imagine someone with a stopwatch standing over him and him spending all day for 15 hours making one phone call after another.
He came off a bit more jaded that I expected. I wanted to hear from his own words what the experience of being American Idol was like, what it was like to go from boy next door to instant celebrity. His response was that that was two years ago and he doesn't remember that far. Hmmmm.
His southern drawl and philosophy made me laugh, which I did expect. I know that he doesn't have goals for himself. I asked him if he had a mission statement. He said "Oh Gawd no" in heavy drawl and added that 'let go and let God' was his mantra. Hmmm.
Anyway, I wrote the article for New Times and found out that the Miami edition would also be printing it. Hoorah. I overwrote the piece as they did not give me a word count so they had to chop it heavily. I will be interested to see the result. It should come out next week, by the way!
Overall, a learning experience to be sure. I hope to attend the concert and meet him in person. I think phone interviews, especially with so many questions involved and so little time is extremely difficult. I know it is easy to get a bad impression.
Anyway, taking it easy a bit today. Tomorrow I will be attending a party I will write about. Stay tuned. I was also invited to write about a Hard Rock event tonight but got the message too late.
Posted by creativerachel
at 11:37 PM EST