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Sunday, 20 November 2005
Amazing Day of Bookings and Filmings
Today was incredible.

I filmed "Wrong Turn." The shoot went so smoothly. All the actors knew their lines. The director, Jacmel Urena, was excellent. It has been awhile since I have seen somebody so organized. It was refreshing. He knew his shot sequence, he was focused.

They had it looked like the whole Palm Beach Film School there in one role or another. There was a lot of joking around but it wasn't distracting. The day flew by and I actually was able to leave early (there from 10:00 until 3:30 approximately) because my scenes were over.

I thought we were doing the last scene first and then another scene in the same location. It turned out that my fellow actor had something come up so there was a change of plans. I had to do my most dramatic (emotional) scene first. But it went really well.

The "craft service" on the set was little finger sandwiches that the director made himself. The filling was mayonaise and ketchup! I thought that was hillarious. Some actually ate it. Later we had yummy Domino's Pizza!!

I was cast in a part I really wanted for "Lockbox," which will film December 3rd. The director was on the set!

I rushed to an audition. I was late. I was lost. I didn't have my headshot and resume with me. I showed up anyway.

Security didn't want to let me in. I insisted. They let me.

I did a dance audition-- haven't done one of those for awhile. I did a singing audition cold and several cold readings. I got a role... I don't know which yet but they definitely want me. I will know tomorrow. They seem to want me for a role!

Liza Trainer is filming it. Liza rocks! Check out www.marsmusical.com.

Posted by creativerachel at 12:34 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 20 November 2005 11:08 PM EST
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