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Saturday, 5 November 2005
Wilma improvements & daily life
Mood:  a-ok
Although Wilma knocked us a whallop and many people still don't have power, I am still impressed with the city and with FPL (or whoever is responsible) in the improvements that they have made. In approximately a week's time, I am noticing that traffic lights are back on in some areas despite the power poles being snapped like twigs or pushed over like a feather by the wind, their wires hanging listlessly in the road.

If the lights are not up...some are non-existent, taken away by the wind and smashed somewhere else or sucked up into oblivion...there are small solar-powered lights sitting in the middle of the street directing traffic, giving the cops a break. What a concept! Way to go Coral Springs! (I live here.)

I think that this hurriciane will bring all sorts of brainstorms and new ways of thinking--- that I welcome. Power poles will be buried deeper, for example. The improvements will be much like post-Andrew and can only be a plus.

It's the trees I worry about. This is a Tree City no longer. These vestiges are not trees but twigs, large lifeless branches that look like shriveled hands barely open, tired and weary and wanting to droop yet slightly open hoping that some great rain will douse them and bring them back to life again, that there ever-spring flowers will blossom playfully upon their dry tops.


Enough about Wilma.

Today I worked on the City Smart calendar again. I am still not done.

I was supposed to go see Matisyahu-- who is really good--- (and I don't like reggae) but I didn't feel well and I wanted to blog. :)

Tomorrow, I will be going to a boat ride along the Intracoastal...more about that tomorrow.

Posted by creativerachel at 10:35 PM EST
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